Very excited, have decided once and for all that I'm going to get the new Samsung Omnia.
Had quite a debate raging for a while, Omnia vs iPhone vs Blackberry Storm. The Nokia version wasn't ever really in the running because from reports they haven't really developed a contender yet, but I can't see it being far off.
Eca has an iPhone, and I've had a play, and they ARE very cool. Plus their advertising has been very compelling ....

The Blackberry Storm lost in the end because while you could say they have a TouchScreen, in a fashion, its actually one giant clear button for a display screen, which makes textng really slow, which put it straight out of the running.
But in the end the Omnia won because
- It has bluetooth
- It has MMS
- It has a flash on the camera.
3 kindred spirits ~ This bugs them too!:
I'm so glad you didn't go for an iphone. Resist the marketing!!
Tell me what your omnia is like tho...
And re your comment on my blog re Facebook service - did you see dropped you the same link?
I think its great. If you're going to open yourself up like that...
Hahahaha I did read that, but because one was SMH and the other I didn't realise it was the same story haahahaha. I actually thought I was linking a different story for more discussion. Hahahaha
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