I'm just SO over the thank you notes. I'm sorry. I can't help it. There's only so many times you can try to be innovative and sincere in the wording before your innovation has become blase. Am I a bad person? I can't help it....... And now I've run out of envelopes and I have to get more cool looking envelopes so the people that don't have them yet don't feel like they got the second hand envelopes. : (

In other news, Lou and Anan are going to Dylan Moran tonight. Jealous! Not that I couldn't have gone, just that I couldn't make it work for myself, despairing I had to choose housework over Dylan so as not to get evicted following tomorrow's inspection. So yes. Good for them anyway! They'll have a smashing time.
Bernard!! Bernard!! Bernard!! I'm a prostitute robot from the future!