In modern-day Los Angeles, forty-year-old Professor Julia Huntington, geneticist, returns from a field trip to Afghanistan. She has received a prestigious commission from the US Defence Department to research a genetic propensity to kill without remorse.
Soul is the story of two women, across two eras, and their struggle with obsessive love and revenge. Part murder mystery, part psychological thriller, part commentary on genetics and human behaviour, sexual jealousy and betrayal, it is both provocative and unputdownable.
Firstly I am going to kick off saying I honestly think unputdownable should be banned from books. It isn't a word. Secondly, this is good, but nothing to write home about. It reads as one 1860 chapter, one modern, and there isn't enough time to really get into either story before it changes again, which makes it difficult to empathise with the characters.
3 / 5
0 kindred spirits ~ This bugs them too!:
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