Gosh, Four months, How did that happen.
Posted in "Where The Hell Is That?", HomeLife, Marriage on 4:06 PM bySorry dudes.
Some recent developments -
Got my motorbike learners.
Bought a helmet. Naturally it is pink.
Tried to go to the snow to go skiing on the weekend. But it was too foggy :(
New job is good. Extremely busy, so have been super slack at internets.
We haven't hooked up the internet at home yet, so haven't had time to sit and blog at home either.
We're getting a housemate! Haven't lived with anyone other than M of course since we got married, and its a good opportunity to have some fun. Keep rationalising to myself that we'll be unlikely to live with anyone else ever now, and M has never had the pleasure of sharing.
Should be interesting.
We've just had our second lot of visitors in our new town. Unfortunatley they were sick as dogs, but we still really enjoyed having them down.
My sisters are coming to visit in two weeks, and thats exciting.
Sister that was in Canada came home with a bang, We went to Sydney to see Chicago, and it was awesome. Having organised to catch up with some friends and the Domestic Sister after the show, turned the corner and there is Canadian sister home for good. I was so shocked I started crying in the middle of the concourse at Star City Casino while people streamed around us.
It was such an incredible moment.
Country living is working better for us that expected. We're really enjoying the slower pace to our lifestyle and have both taken us squash. Neither or us is terribly good at it, but I'm getting my own racquet. Of course, it is pink.
Ciao lovelies, and I will be back more regularly, I promise.
Posted in comic, funny on 2:32 PM byIf you would also like to read - check out Marten, Dora and Faye @ Questionable Content
Because I know you care
Posted in Meme, Personality on 4:52 PM byThree words to describe me: Loud, vivacious,content
Three words to describe you: funny, upfront, busy
Three words to describe somebody I love: gentle, supportive, amazing
Three words to describe my blog: eclectic, entertaining (i hope?), fluff
Three words to describe my past: incriminating, middle-class, unremarkable
Three words to describe my home town: city, conservative, encompassing
Three words to describe my bedroom: white, crammed, airy
Three words to describe my goals:non-existant, mundane, suburban
And Re, I'm tagging YOU
M thinks we need one of these
Posted in Marriage, Moving House, Weird~Dreams on 12:08 PM byOk no not really.
I can't remember if I told this story, but one night as he was getting into bed, he seriously ran and got the tape measure to prove I was on his side. (I wasn't)
BUT, admittedly, I was RIGHT ON THE LINE. Hahahaha
M has begun the journey of our move. He flew out yesterday morning for the rest of the working week. He'll be living in the hotel down there, which is quite nice apparently. He flies home Friday night for the weekend, and will go back down Monday.
And so begins, yet more nights alone. I hate it hate it hate it. I slept badly last night, and ended up having this weird and freaky dream that an ex-workmate was suddenly the daughter of the people that ran the tennis centre up the road where I got lessons when I was 15.
Hmm. Odd. I don't even want to imagine what this all means for my psyche.
Out unit is on the rental market, another step carrying us away from Sydney. Its starting to all feel very much in motion! The removalists are coming on Friday morning to quote us on packing and shipping all our belongings (paid for by the company yippeee!)
So, yes, its eventful.
Sunrise at our place today
Posted in Flickr~Photos, Sadness, Sunrise, Views on 11:13 AM byWe're leaving the big smoke!
Posted in Marriage, Moving House on 7:07 PM bySo, thats our news. Please vote in the poll!
Posted in How Embarrassment, Yoga on 3:54 PM byKind of embarrassing to wake up and realise everyone else is sitting up and the class is about to end.
I heard her saying "hands to your breastbone.....namaste" and thought
"what? she normally says that at the very end"....
....."oh wait. shit."
And I sat up and everyone else was already sitting with their legs crossed, finished.
How to go Number 2 at work
Posted in Bathroom Etiquette, funny, Work on 12:22 PM byBreakaway
Posted in lists, Meme, Music, Personality on 11:52 AM by*Put Your iTunes, winamp, mp3 player or whatever on SHUFFLE*
For each question, press the next button to get your answer (no cheating!!)
*You must write down song/artist even if it doesn't make sense
*Include any comments in parenthesis
*Post with #25 as your Title
2. How would your co-workers describe you? Burn for You - John Farnham {completely irrelevant?}
3. How would you describe yourself? The Way I Are - Timbaland feat Keri Hilson {well yeah. I'm the way I...are}
4. What do you like in a romantic partner? All for Believing - Missy Higgins {This sounds really sad and cynical :( }
5. How do you feel today? Going Under - Evanescence {yeah, lot going on at the moment. I suppose I do feel a little like I'm drowning in it}
6. What is your life’s purpose? You're Still the One - Shania Twain {I suppose you could interpret this as no matter what, I will always have my husband? }
7. What is your motto? Don't Give Up - Shannon Noll and Natalie Bassingthwaite {Hey what are the chances! Hilariously though, I'm more of a quitter actually}
8. What do you think about the most? We're coming home - The Rogue Traders {irrelevant?}
9. What are you going to do on your next vacation? Left outside Alone - Anastacia {oh god. I hope not!}
10. What do you think of your first love/date? Greed for Your Love - Missy Higgins {told you it was a limited selection! Hahaha.}
11. What is your life story? Everytime - Britney Spears {I love this song. I think it has no relevance though. She is suddenly making me think of Asaragus though...}
12. What did you do yesterday? Single Ladies (put a ring on it) - Beyonce {I DID NOT!}
13. What do you think of when you see the person you like/love? You're the Voice - John Farnham {!?! Well I suppose he IS good at Karaoke?}
14. What describes your wedding? Not a Day Goes By - Rick Price {Because who DOESN'T Love Rick Price?}
15. What will they play at your funeral? Blow up the Pokies - The Whitlams
To make you feel better, walk out of this place
and Defeat them in your secret battle
Show them you can be your own man again}
16. What is your obsession? Since you Been Gone - Kelly Clarkson {Hmmm.....not really?}
17. What is your biggest fear? Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under - Shania Twain {I can honestly say I never ever worry about this (cheating). The previous song perhaps more appropriate? I am terrified of M dying and leaving me a widow. }
18. What is your biggest secret? Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing - Chris Isaak {well Yes. Haven't we all?}
19. What is your biggest turn-on? Nobody Wants to Be Lonely - Ricky Martin and Christina Aguilera. {Mmm nothing sexier than rampant desperation in a woman}
20. How do you describe your friends? Castles in the Air - The Hoodoo Gurus {a recent addition to the playlist. From the Bushfire Aid CD, I'm not familiar with it}
21. What would you do with a million dollars? Working Class Man - Jimmy Barnes {Arrgggh I hate JB. This is sort of true though. I'd keep working.}
you gotta be f%#$ing kidding me right?
Posted in Customer Is NOT Always Right, LifeorDeath on 11:03 AM byBetter Off Popular
Mother: *running over* “What happened?!”
Me: “Everything is OK, ma’am. Your son just went too deep into the water. He should be fine.”
Mother: “Well, why the h*** did you help him?”
Me: “Excuse me?”
Mother: “Why did you have to jump in and help him?”
Me: “Well, ma’am, it’s my job, and your son was having trouble swimming–”
Mother: *interrupting* “You idiot! You embarrassed my son in front of everyone! Don’t you think you should have thought about how embarrassing that must have been for a little boy?!”
Me: “Actually, no I didn’t think about that. I was more concerned about your son drowning than him being embarrassed.”
Mother: “That’s ridiculous! Why the h*** would you ever be more concerned about THAT?!”
Morning tea!
Posted in on 11:01 AM byI'm having real trouble today getting motivated to....well anything really. I'm hoping a caffeine and sugar hit might help. Just so.....blah... today.
So Jealous.
Posted in Chocolate, MandM's on 4:30 PM byI "wish" they made "more" Novelty Cakes in "Australia"*
Posted in Cakes, funny on 3:15 PM byOr theres "does Hallmark even have a herpes section?"
The "Fireman Wang cake"
A cake for every (inappropriate) occassion...
Or see below for Its a Gril!
Congratulations on your WeEding? I cried with laughter over this one. My boss thinks I'm mad.
Bloody funny stuff, and Thanks to K for putting me onto it, through your Blogroll. (Do you know my husband Laughs his heart out when I say that? He goes around telling people how funny it is too. Killing himself with fits of giggles.)
Finally I have made it through the archives, and can return to normal work. Everytime my boss has heard me chuckle in the last few days he's threatened to cut the site off so I can't read it.
*If you've read the site you'll know that there's a lot of unneccessary "quotation" "marks" going on over there.
My First Day - 365 Days
Posted in 365 Days, Flickr~Photos on 3:25 PM byFeel free to stop by and have a look, I've already found it very challenging. I won't post everyday's photos, I may post none at all. I might just stick with the ones I really love.
My 365 set http://www.flickr.com/photos/dataceptionist/sets/72157613296360914/
The only good cockroach...
Posted in Flickr~Photos on 1:51 PM by is a dead one.
I was sitting in my cafe near work yesterday morning, and noticed a cockroach sneaking toward me. I was concerned it was headed right for my table so I continued to watch it until it was right next to my table. As I watched it sort of turned around and then did nothing for a few minutes so I thought I was safe to look back at my book.
When I looked down again I saw that it wasn't there anymore.
I was so shocked, I jerked my leg, it flew off and I didn't see it again.
To think that I hadn't squished it immediately as I sort of thought I didn't want to make a scene, and it wasn't "hurting anyone".
Ever since I've been paranoid about feeling any sensation on my legs. Ew ew ew :(
What punctuation mark are you?
Posted in Personality on 4:43 PM byYou Are a Colon |
![]() You are very orderly and fact driven. You aren't concerned much with theories or dreams... only what's true or untrue. You are brilliant and incredibly learned. Anything you know is well researched. You like to make lists and sort through things step by step. You aren't subject to whim or emotions. Your friends see you as a constant source of knowledge and advice. (But they are a little sick of you being right all of the time!) You excel in: Leadership positions You get along best with: The Semi-Colon |
Pink Wii!
Posted in Addicted2Wii, Flickr~Photos on 11:17 AM by For Christmas M gave me a pink silicon cover for the Wii fit Balance Board. So here it is, in action!
We're trying to continue to use the Wii, and we're having good success mostly.
We went to a Rock Band party on the weekend and it was much more fun that I expected (the Rock Band part, not the party). Not being terribly musically inclined I wasn't sure it was going to be "my bag" but it was heaps of fun, and according to the game, I am great at singing. Hahahahahaha
We're off to see our broker, the wonderful broker of....Oz?
Posted in HomeLife, House-Hunting, Marriage on 4:44 PM byThis will go perfectly with the fridge...
Posted in Customer Is NOT Always Right, freaks on 9:05 AM byI Just Lost My Appetite…
(A customer comes in with “artistic” nude pictures of herself and her husband, and throws them on the counter.)
Customer: “What kind of frame should I put on these? They are going in the kitchen.”
Me: “The kitchen, huh? Well, I can start you off with a few options.” *I show her a few frames*
Customer: “…and how much would this be?”
Me: “$350.00 each.”
Customer: “For $350.00 I’d expect something a little more… phallic.”
Well yeah its a bit judgemental....
Posted in Addicted2Wii, Customer Is NOT Always Right, Food=Fat=Treadmill on 4:11 PM byFit To Be Wide
Sunset in AZ
Posted in Flickr~Photos on 9:19 AM byAmazing! These kinds of photos are why I love Flickr. Its so much more than just somewhere to store your photos.
I'm getting better___
Posted in Flickr~Photos, I'm~a~coffee~wanker on 9:20 PM by ______________at making coffee on the machine at home.
I bought a new macch glass. Still playing with it
M has gone away for a boys weekend.
Posted in HomeLife, Marriage on 4:22 PM byI just feel lonely.
365 DAYS
Posted in 365 Days, Blogging, Flickr~Photos on 4:23 PM byThe Challenge: Take one self portrait each day for a year.
Each day, take a self portrait, tag it with "365days", and submit it to the pool. It's that simple!
For our detailed rules, please have a read through our group rules.
I'm sorry....
Posted in Blogging on 4:16 PM by66th Annual Golden Globes - Red carpet
Posted in on 12:49 PM byAnd Deer-in-headlights-look she's sporting doesn't help...
Things I don't want to see when House-hunting
Posted in House-Hunting on 3:50 PM by- A webcam set up, pointed at your bed, attached to a monitor AND two Tv's.
- A douche/bidet/garden hose nozzle attached to your toilet (both of them)
- The contents of your fridge, strewn across the bench because you're in the middle of cleaning it out
- Crayon ALL OVER the walls
Honourable mention to an incident when we were looking for a property a few years ago
- A note taped to your shower saying "please don't hurt Spidey, he is our friend". Complete with giant huntsman spider in corner. We're fairly sure they were tenants that didn't want to move, and the owner would have been horrified probably.
Be careful not to become a FREQUENT FLYER. People may become suspicious if they catch you constantly going into the bathroom.