For example, I now have Chicago the movie, all the songs compiled (in order I hope, I'm not as well versed on this movie as others).
See my You Tube Playlist for Chicago here

The notable exception being Willow (Alyson Hannigan - also the Band Camp girl in American Pie) who they deal with by simply not really letting her sing LOL.
The only reason you really notice is that every other character gets a solo pretty much.
There are some pretty good songs in here, I can only assume Joss Whedon worked on this for a while, and yet its still plot relevant.
Play my Buffy Musical Playlist here.

And lastly, but by no means least, is Moulin Rouge. I actually own this movie on VHS and DVD. Much better on DVD of course. I love listening to this, and I really think the soundtrack has the power to transport you back into the movie experience, so strongly that even at work, I sometimes cry in the last songs. *sigh*
This is actually one of few movies that I cry at the end of, no matter how many times I've seen it. :*(
It's just such a beautiful movie.
Moulin Rouge Playlist here