I was also unaware that apparently 50% of Christian men, and 20% of Christian women polled on ChristiaNet say they are addicted to porn.
Another porny fact- the demand for high speed broadband and faster video streaming is directly fueled by the porn industry (the watchers I mean). Bizarre. But logical.
Now what I have to say next may shock you-
I have seen the pornography.
I have seen the pornography.
I actually kind of feel like I'm missing a part of my generation by not having seen "One Night In Paris". Has anyone seen it? Is it worth it? (no I don't mean I'm considering buying it, this isn't Shrek 3 we're discussing)
1 kindred spirits ~ This bugs them too!:
Ohh it's just stoopid.
The only thing I get out of that video is a confirmation that she thigh high hooker boots and looking at her tits now it really does appear she's had them done.
One conversation I've had re; celebrity porn, the general feeling was that she was a dud root in manner of star fish, Oh that and Tommy Lee is REALLY hung.
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