Well I've done it now.
And I kind of liked it.
It was a bit weird at the beginning, I was afraid of trying something new, but the end result has been pleasantly surprising.
It was a bit weird at the beginning, I was afraid of trying something new, but the end result has been pleasantly surprising.
That's right, today, I'm wearing my skinny jeans, WITHOUT BOOTS.
I know I am only a hairline away from Emo-Fug (I said a HAIRLINE bitches)...
I KNOW I bought them ONLY for wearing with my boots.
I know I have a horrid problem with them sliding down my backside Resulting in constant tugging, which I can tell you from seeing other girls, is NOT an attractive, sexy look.
I seem to have fixed the ass-crack problem, with (I know this sounds ridiculously simple) a BELT!!!

See it was raining this morning and because M took the car I had to catch the bus so I thought oh well I will wear my boots and so I was trying to think of what to wear with my boots and my brain skipped to the skinny jeans so I put them on and was expecting them to be ass-crack central and make me feel really fat as usually I put them on and then I feel really fat and my belly hangs over the top ( i know, that is SUCH an ATTRACTIVE image for you all) but this morning I put them on and then I put the belt on and that seemed to fix the ass crack problem and I was walking around looking for a top (as you do) and I looked in the mirror and thought, maybe I'll just leave them like this, they don't look as bad as previously though (its slippery slope I'm on........*thinking* do tight black shorts that finish just under the knee class as fuggin's............*hmmm*)
And then as I was walking to the bus stop I passed a plate glass window and after thinking they looked just fine with my thongs on........I was gratified to see they DID look just fine!

{AND I am under no delusions that this is what I look like in MY skinny jeans. }
Since Monday's breakdown, I'm actually feeling a lot better, we've been to the gym a few times, I'm trying to eat better (I've mentally said no to chips three times!) And I feel like it's already working for me! I feel almost normal sized in my skinny jeans (yeah I know, contradiction of terms). So maybe when we're jumping into bikini's for a possible trip to the beach Sunday, I can do it with a modicum of pride. (or less shame).
3 kindred spirits ~ This bugs them too!:
LOL well I am a lover of board shortery :D
they are not my enemy!
hahaha, boarshorts unite!
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