I'm not sure who voted exactly, it doesn't really supply that info. Other shows including Melrose Place, Grey's Anatomy and Lost also rated a mention.
I do remember Spike and Buffy being hot together (or should it be Hott) but from memory I wouldn't really have rated it the hottest scene. *sigh* I do miss Buffy....
Best episode EVER has to be the Musical "Once More With Feeling".
Here are some interesting factoids on this episode for those of you playing at home
- The episode was nominated for an Emmy Award, but, due to a misprint, was left off the official ballot sent out to voters. This was fixed with an addendum, but it was too late, as many voters had already returned their ballots. The episode, and Buffy along with it, are almost as famous for not winning an Emmy Award as other shows are for winning one.
- The art for the CD — also used as cover for related items, such as the script book, the DVD and the poster — is by popular comic book artist Adam Hughes
- This is the longest episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer ever — 50 minutes long, as opposed to the usual 42 minutes.
- Joss Whedon gained lots of musical inspiration from musicals such as the rock-edged Rent by Jonathan Larson. Whedon has said that the song "Walk Through the Fire" partly came from the line "Walking through fire without a burn" from the Rent song "I Should Tell You".
- During the "I'll Never Tell" number, Anya wears a red version of the bra and petticoat that Susan Sarandon wore during the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
- Joss Whedon discovered his actors could sing during a wine-charged Shakespeare reading at his house. He later fashioned his songs around each actor's ability and amount of comfort with their talent. This is why Alyson Hannigan and Michelle Trachtenberg only sing a few sparse lines in this episode; Trachtenberg says she had an agreement with Joss Whedon that she would "sing as little as possible and dance a whole lot".[2]
- Anthony Stewart Head also has some musical experience. He played the lead role of Frank-n-Furter in a British production of The Rocky Horror Show
- All the actors sing their own parts without having another singer dubbing their voices (although for "What You Feel", Michelle Trachtenberg had to dub her own voice during post-production when her lines proved to be unclear).
- Joss Whedon had originally planned to have Buffy's rhythmically complex song "Something to Sing About" dubbed by professional vocalist Jewel, but Sarah Michelle Gellar stepped up to the challenge for the climactic number.
- All the regular cast are featured in significant solos except Alyson Hannigan (Willow), who had asked Whedon to limit her singing role. In response, Whedon gave Willow an amusing, fourth-wall breaking line for one of her three short solo parts: "I think this line's mostly filler" (Hannigan's reluctance to sing had actually been made part of her character, as was shown in 2 first-season episodes) Interestingly I always assumed Hannigan couldn't sing, and that's why she was given so few lines.
- Amber Benson said in an interview that Joss caught her by surprise when he scored her song "Under your Spell" slightly higher than her normal range because he was sure she could handle it.
4 kindred spirits ~ This bugs them too!:
Its my favourite episode too. Though I thought that many of the actors were remarkably average in it, I love the lure of a musical too much. I've seen some fottage of ASH doing Rocky Horror - he has awesome.
Hi K !
COOOL it somehow lends weight to A-S-H that someone in the world has seen him as Frank'n'Furter.
It’s funny because I thought that ep of buffy where she and spike demolish the building was sort of so so in the gratuitous sexy sex sort of way.
I do miss Buf, but it was time for it to come to an end.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the musical episode, I remember I started my first job the week (or so) after it aired and did nothing but sing it over and over.
Very interesting info though re Rocky and Rent influences!!
I loved Spike and Giles’ parts, remember that Halloween episode where we get to see ASH singing ‘Behind blue eyes’? AWESOME and a glimpse at an obviously talented man (plus he is HILARIOUS in Little Britan!)
I thought SMG made a very valiant attempt at a fairly challenging music part – like the song toward the end with that dratted ‘I think I was in HEEA-venn’ she really gave us something to sing about.. har-har-har.
I assumed that Willow had limited parts because she just couldn’t sing also!
Yes it sort of all makes sense doesn't it why we like it so much?
Although, I'm a massive sucker for a musical anything. Did anyone ever see the Musical Xena episode? Apparently this was meant to appear in a different season, but it would have been aired too close to that episiode on Xena, and would have lost its specialness.
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