*tear* I bet her parents are so proud.
And no, I'm not providing you with a link of where to buy, because that would be supporting sales of her shitty cd.
You know what bugs me....... Theme ligneous by pure-essence.net. Bloggerized by Chica Blogger.
6 kindred spirits ~ This bugs them too!:
LOL yes tragic... I wonder who ever could have predicted this... um everyone.
Although she did have all the right ingrediants, a career in aweful tv show, manufactured pop album and near naked video clip...
Sounds like a winner to me
Hahaha yes. Hilariously Dean Guyer has done the reverse, and is now on Neighbours. Unfortunately for him, that only works for your career if you come on as an unknown with the sole purpose of getting exposure (ala Delta) {btw has anyone noticed she's become just Delta, not Ms Goodrem? She's not Cher yet...}
I refuse to give any musican who's ever been on a soap opera a chance.
My devious plan hasn't backfired on me yet...
I dunno, I kinda hate her as much as the next self respecting Aussie, but she's been getting bits and pieces of telly and movie work over in LA la land recently (did anyone see her weird Eastern European accent in Prison Break?)...whenever I tried to point out her many failings my English friends would list her recent work as evidence that I was not all correct....it's not as good as Isla Fisher or Melissa George has managed but she's doing OK O/S I think :( Mind you, at least she's not singing any more!!! Phew...
Aha K, not a Kylie fan then?
Yeah I've noticed that also Eca, bit parts here and there. She was on one of our favourites, CSI Miami for an episode (she died in the first 10 mins, real challenging role there for her...)
She has a fairly established IMDb page, complete with trivia (Her sisters' names are Coco Melody and Olympia Montana)
Ohh, technicalities! Not a fan as such (own 1 very old cassette) but I don't hate her.
She's pretty unique though...
(waits to be knocked off perch again)
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