(feeling sorry for the people {like hah} that got into the Sue Grafton Alphabet murder series, they're up to T finally! Sue Grafton must be rolling in it, she started with A for Alibi in 1983!)
but is Patterson flooding his own market?
Hmmm.... Anyway, Patterson has widened his character scope in his writing, he now has two series, the Alex Cross and the Women's Murder Club, because even though Cross is still kicking, he's getting a bit boring. You can only be targeted by serial killers for so long before you're using all the same material.

So the Women's Murder Club series is up to book 7, and it kicked off nicely. The main character, a female detective called Lindsay Boxer was a refreshing change to the masculinity of the Alex Cross series. I was pretty excited when I heard they were making it into a TV series. But just like the disappointment when a book is made into a movie, this just hasn't cut the mustard for me. I like Angie Harmon, I do, I thought she was great in Law and Order. But she's all wrong as Lindsay for me. *sigh* It will be interesting to see if that series survives in Oz.
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4 kindred spirits ~ This bugs them too!:
I like WMC too, including she of the immaculate blonde hair.
Is it just me or does Angie Harmon seem to have a little wincey Paris Hiltonesque eye?
Oh Re, You have missed my point completely. I don't like WMC. I watched the first episode and discovered I couldn't give a toss if all the characters died. Even though I know and love those characters already. :(
And no, not with you on the eye-ness.
OHH LOL whoops missed the point apprently.
Don't get me wrong I'm not mad about the show, I'm not about to tattoo it on my rear and I think that main characters deaths would probably enhance the show! But its better than alot of other stuff around...
Exhbit A; http://artfiles.art.com/images/-/Angie-Harmon-Photograph-C12145622.jpeg
Ew! Almost nipple-watch
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