Video Rental Store | Texas, USA
(A few years ago I was working at a video store when there were still late fees, and this exchange occurred after I scanned a couple’s rentals:)
Me: “Okay, sir, with the late fee from your last rental, your total is $9.50.”
Husband: “What do you mean a late fee? I ALWAYS return my movies on time, so you need to remove that late fee right now!”
Me: “Well sir, you returned–”
Husband: “I said I ALWAYS return my movies on time and you need to remove that late fee right now! I’m not paying this!”
Me: “Then you won’t be renting these movies tonight. All late fees must be paid before renting again.”
Husband: “I’m NOT paying this, so you better take it off now!”
Wife: “What movie is this late fee for anyway? We ALWAYS return our movies on time!”
Me: “This is for Runaway Bride with Julia Roberts. You rented it on the 6th and it was due on the 11th, but you didn’t return it until the 15th. ”
Husband: “Oh yeah, that’s right, we never got around to watching it. I’ll pay for it.”
Wife: “We never rented Runaway Bride and I was out of town on the 6th.”
Me: “Well, ma’am, it’s showing that Jennifer rented the title.”
Wife: “Who is Jennifer?” *pauses and her face becomes red* “Oh, that b***h!”
(The wife proceeds to slap her husband, takes the keys and drives away, leaving her husband in the store.)
Husband: “Well, I guess I deserved that, huh?”
Me: “Sir, you put your mistress on your account?”
Husband: “Yeah, she likes movies…”
Me: “You are aware that she could have opened her own account for free, right?”
Husband: “Oh s***, really?”
4 kindred spirits ~ This bugs them too!:
I think I would have been on the floor in hysterics laughing at that man.
People can be soooo stupid!
Oh come on... surely this story is too good (read too stupid) to be true?
If I found out about my husbands mistress even existed much less was renting movies on my account I would be doing a little more than slapping.
@ Reanan~
Ahhh see You THINK too stupid but we know these people exist.
hahahaha in public? At at home?
I am deeply concerned that these 'people' exsist.
I dont think I'd be able to contain myself public. Open a can of whoop ass!
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