Justin Finn, at three, looks just like any other child. But his face, one day, will be the exact match of the cold-blooded killer of whom he is a perfect genetic replica. And Justin Finn at fifteen has developed an unhealthy obsession with the Wicker Man, a notorious serial killer who prowls the streets of Chicago....
And while apparently the CCT has cost us nothing-It had agreed on road closures from which it could only withdraw by paying
almost as much in compensation as it cost to build the tunnel. It took a $100 million sweetener in return for making unpopular changes to access roads and public transport. It agreed to steady increases in the toll.
Peter Costello has proposed taking the Murray Darling Basin, which spans four separate states into its own control. Now I know water is a very important issue, as I have discussed myself here. Somehow this smacks of misuse to me though. I somehow have visions of inappropriate water use in my head (and I don't mean a slip 'n' slide and Water gun). I'm sure I'm being paranoid about this one, but it gives me the willies somehow.The Opposition roads spokesman, Andrew Stoner, said small investors could lose
from the Cross City Tunnel's collapse because superannuation funds had invested
in it......
.....The Greens MP Lee Rhiannon said the Government was wrong to say the
Cross City Tunnel's collapse had no effect on taxpayers. They had paid for
negotiating the tunnel deal, planning approvals and surface changes, she said.---------------------
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