We booked our Honeymoon!!
Posted in Wedding on 1:30 PM byWe depart on the Morning of the 7th (hah's bday) and return on the 14th at 6pm, for those of you playing at home.
So excited!
well my good deed done
Posted in Wedding on 5:05 PM byWe're also in furthur debate over the stationery. It'll all come together in the end though. *sigh*
We've *almost* booked our honeymoon. It's so close. Just confirm a date change for accomodation and book our flights online. Awesome. Fiji here we come!
Flowers Flowers everywhere
Posted in Wedding on 9:14 AM bySo yeh, flowers are all sorted now in the main.
Bouquets, buttonholes, corsages for the ladies, tables, Church/Altar, possibly some blooms for the hairdresser?
So yes now all we're waiting on is for Clare's orchid supplier to get back to her with prices and Bob's your Aunty! Or in Mark's case, your uncle!
So Cute Pt 2!
Posted in Wedding on 3:29 PM byI'm trying to have a big-organise it all day. Get things happening! woo. I do say Woo a lot don't I?
*I do sell a lot of wank don't I*
Cmon ppl where's it from? where's it from? hehehe
*cough*cough* umm, where were we?
Ahh yes cute bomboniere boxes. We're going off to speak to Isobel next week, get the girls measured. Woo. *amendment-in my brain spasticity, I have re-read that after posting, and seen that I had lumped Isobel in right after the bomboniere boxes and made it seem as though she had some hand in them, when in fact she is the dressmaker and I'm referring to Bridemaids matters there. Hehehe*
I'm sure I have more to say....
Good Luck to Riona of Godawful Wedding crap, who weds the Tall Fella on Saturday. : )
True Story or should it be website?
Posted in AfterDeath, ranting, Religion, weird, WORLDliness on 4:56 PM byIf Jesus returns tonight, who will feed your pets tomorrow?
What is JesusPets?
Who is going to care for your pets after you are raptured into heaven?
Many Christians believe that animals do not go to heaven. So when Jesus comes back and you return with him to heaven, will there be somebody to take care of your dog or cat?
If you have a non-Christian family member, they might take care of your pet, but if not, have you made any plans? Imagine being taken to streets of gold while your dog starves to death walking around in his own feces trapped in your small house or apartment, subject to fire and earthquakes or even being eaten by heathens searching for any remaining morsel of food. Do you want that to happen?
With the imminent collapse of the global economy and rampant godlessness, even the community shelters will not have the resources to care for your poor, hungry animals. So you need to make preparations.
That’s what JesusPets is for. We are assembling a community of heathen pet-lovers to care for pets that are “left-behind.” We are coordinating with feed mills and kennels in preparation for your post-apocalyptic pet care needs.
Quite bizarre if you ask me. My particular favourite is "a community of heathen pet-lovers" , It literally states we're heathens! Crazy!
So, if you're concerned about your pet roasting over the camp fires of post-apolcalyptic-Jesus-returns-civilisation, here is your solution.
Bridemaids design pretty much set.
Posted in Wedding on 10:53 AM by
modelling prowess. Yeh right.
Posted in Wedding on 12:32 PM by
Yesterday a had a chat with a bride about how scary some bridemodels look now. Take this girl above, This She-Devil-Bride. But then, I'd be angry with the photographers too if he said to me....
now just pop on the gown, yes Hair looks lovely, we'll just fluff it out here a bit, and could you just pop those almost-Elbow-length-gloves on for me....no no they'll barely be in shot....lovely......
And it's so common now. Far from looking edgy and a cut above, they look stupid and fail to sell their product, because who wants to buy the dress that the girl obviously looks so happy wearing! I'm not saying they should neccessarily look like they're getting married that day, fake enthusiasm is possibly worse, but a pleasant neutral expression would work for me.
Case in point. This girl is like "Isn't it awesome that the photographr has told me to stand in the water! I'm ruining the hem of my dress!!! That's fantastic! And it's freezing! Which Is why I have my shoulders all hunched up like this! Or is that because I'm just so darn excited? Who Cares!" So Fake smiles, not the way to go. I had a great pic of a girl who looked like she was sniffing her armpits, but I couldn't copy it.....So go here to see it! LOL.
WOO HOO!!!! Gown giddiness
Posted in Wedding on 10:33 AM bySo I decided to post a discussion topic on the matter on a bridal site called The Bride's Diary (which is very addictive I can tell you) to all the Brisbane girls as the shop told me it was by a Brisbane Based designer.
The girls were very helpful, and one even rang the shop from Brissy to pretend she wanted to look at it in Brisbane for a stockist. Then someone found it!! It turns out this girl has ordered the same dress from a shop in the City called Elizabeth de Varga and it's by them! So yay!
Now unfortunately I can't post a picture of my beautiful dress here as Mark might see it then, and I don't want to show everyone cos it's meant to be a surprise too.
But if you're desperate, leave a comment and I'll email you the website. : )
I'm so happy though!!!! Not even my splitting headache that woke me up at 2.30 this morning can detract from my excitement. Although it's trying.
*jumps in the air with a little arm wiggle and clicking heels together*
Actually Scrap that as imagining me doing that makes me look a little spastic. Hehehe
And back to business
Posted in wedding on 11:25 AM by142 days to go!
I'm feeling very weighed down by the planning at the moment actually. *sigh*
There's lots to do that we haven't made concrete decisions on yet and I just wish it was all done already.
decorations on tables
These aren't in order of importance btw.
We're doing Bridemaids shopping on Saturday, which will help alleviate the dress stress. I hope we can just finish that concept off and I can stop thinking about it. Bah.
Also BM girls, I was thinking of possibly black shoes with the dresses? We'll know more when the girls try them on and stuff and I thought that'd save buying new shoes if it works out?
I'm searching hairstyles now too.
A Special Post for Riona
Posted in funny, Misc, wedding on 2:39 PM byI tried to reply to your comment about the stubby holder but there was too much information to put in!

This is a Stubby. A Traditional VB Stubby no less, our national drink. Hahahaha, NO!

They have in fact, graduated to cover the entire bottle now with the aid of a zip.

And even beyond! With glove!
With an array of colours, including camoflage, I think we have our bomboneire winners!!!!
Hahaha (it's a joke people) relax.

And now Riona, at risk of seeming like a Stubby toting hick, I have one of these myself......
So there we have it. A description of the Stubby holder.
Posted in Misc on 2:28 PM byIt was particularly cool actually, in the rock pools we found this super awesome Octopus thing and an apparently suicidal Eel. No matter how hard we tried to save it by putting it in deeper water, it tried to squirm out....strange....
It was a lovely weekend though, so thank you Mark.
Surprises in Store and Fun Fridge Fungi
Posted in Misc, Work on 4:52 PM byMark is surprising me with something this weekend. I don't know what we're doing but I've got enough clothes for the weekend in the car right now (and then some-of course) so we will soon know!!
I had a new girl start permanent Full time on Monday. She's currently "doing the fridges". As it is a long weekend this weekend we're emptying the fridges completely and turning them off so the cleaners can defrost them and disinfect them. This means the poor dear has to throw everything in the fridges out. And sometimes they get angry >:-(
{the people that own the stuff I mean, Not the fridges-hahahaha}
Althought, it's not like they aren't warned! That's what annoys me about the whole thing. We send emails and stuff to tell people. Hope she goes ok, its a pretty depressing task. Especially if people want to yell at you. I'll give em what for, just try me.....
Anyway, happy long weekend everyone, I'll let you know what the surprise was on Tuesday! : )
World Cup Artwork
Posted in Misc, weird on 3:45 PM by
Ours, which I think it pretty cool!

US of A. Levi's!

England, which I think is a play on how terrible their Tabloids are!

This is Portugal, Do they do coffee? Any ideas on this one?

This is Saudi Arabia so it's gold coloured for their riches I assume.

And Sweden, for IKEA!!
The whole collection can be viewed here, there's 32 all up.
Posted in wedding on 12:25 PM by
Lord of the Rings finally
Posted in on 11:47 AM by
"the horses are restless, and the men are quiet"
"a red sun rises, blood has been spilled this night"
"Gondor will come! *with toss of the head downward*"

Btw, check out Insanity and Banality, yesterday's post was gold.
Posted in Misc on 11:39 AM bycredit to Zogg
Posted in Work on 11:28 AM bySo thanks Zogg!! Techie-IT-Helper_extraordinarre!
"Pro-ana"-Anorexics unite
Posted in ranting, weird, WORLDliness on 4:29 PM bySo I visited ana's underground grotto and I was disgusted at the content of the site.
"This is a place for the elite who, through personal success in their ongoing quest for perfection, demonstrate daily the power and results of applying will, imagination, creativity and effort toward meeting their goals."......"This is a pro-ana website. That means this is a place where anorexia is regarded as a lifestyle and a choice, not an illness or disorder. There are no victims here. "
I couldn't believe it. There are pictures of Mary-Kate Olsen and Kate Moss is praised. There are also pictures of enormously obese women to help the women keep focused on their goals.
More disturbing though I thought, was the careful disclaimering featured
If you are under the age of 18, current laws in your geographical region may require you to obtain parental consent to view the contents of this website. You and you alone -- not me -- are responsible for determining if such laws exist and whether you obey them. By entering this site, you automatically certify that you are either 18+ or have obtained parental consent to do so. In the event anyone under 18 should enter this site without parental consent, I will NOT be held responsible for any federal, state or local law they may violate by doing so, nor for ANY resulting consequences to their physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health.
And the comments Section is disclaimered also and threathening those who may want to speak out against
Abusive email will be treated as "spam" and dealt with accordingly. "Abusive" is defined as insulting, rude, harrassing, harsh, mocking, censorious, or otherwise offensive emails, or emails preaching about the dangers of the ana lifestyle. Save yourself the time and trouble: DON'T BOTHER. Any such email is an unwelcome intrusion, and will result in a trace of your IP address and mail path, with notification to your ISP and upstream providers of TOS violations.
I just can't believe how disgusting I think this is. Why is there this fascination with being so thin? How can it be legal to promote it like this? So openly? Pictures of super thin celebrities are dubbed "Thin-spiration". I hope my daughters never go this direction....It just kills me. Has anyone else heard of this before?
Don't get hot and flustered.....use a bit of mustard....You're a Hot Dog!
Posted in freaks, Misc, wedding, weird on 8:35 AM by
Gold, pure gold. This picture was featured on a wedding blog under "what not to do" as, "don't over theme your wedding". Having seen this picture now, I am inspired for the biggest and best Rocky wedding ever!
We could have me as Frank, Mark as Rocky (ala the roles played here), billylou as Magenta,
Scotty (best man) as Riff Raff,
and the other three bridesmaids could be a combination of Columbia's and other Transyvanians. No wait!
And The bridemaids could be three various stages of Janet's undress!!!
Hahahaha GOLD!