"the horses are restless, and the men are quiet"
"a red sun rises, blood has been spilled this night"
"Gondor will come! *with toss of the head downward*"

Btw, check out Insanity and Banality, yesterday's post was gold.
You know what bugs me....... Theme ligneous by pure-essence.net. Bloggerized by Chica Blogger.
1 kindred spirits ~ This bugs them too!:
Ahh more promotion... how much do I owe you for that one?
Anyway Lord of the Rings was good except for the orks, the bloodshed, and basically all references to war, which pretty much take up the entire story. They should make a movie just with (gay) hobbits. Of course I now realise that they probably will, and it will probably be called 'The Hobbit'. Still, I hereby claim all rights to the idea. Cheques can be made out to Billylou.
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