... the delusion that his tongue is of equal interest to Gene Simmons', a very thorough groin waxer, and possibly, probably, a simmering case of 'roid rage.
I think you can even see the post-wax skin irritation which is possibly the un-sexiest thing I've EVER seen. Ew. And when you only sort of glance at the picture, it actually almost looks like he's going for a bit of a nipple rub. And I'm sorry but I actually don't find that male ridge that is almost like an arrow pointing at their man-business sexy at all. I know a lot of girls do, but it's just not something that does it for me.
I have no idea who this mystery person is. Ew.
(and btw I not-so-secretly think Yzma is fabulous. That movie is the best ever. ever.)
0 kindred spirits ~ This bugs them too!:
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