Shown here
It arrived and it didn't fit because I'd gotten fat, which was a bit devastating to say the least. I distinctly remember struggling to do the dress up and M standing behind me wrestling with the upper clasp (the part across the middle of the back does up like a bra) and I said to him "Will it do up?" and he replied "I don't know if you want it to do up" (Ma, these straps, ya look like a HAM)
So we abandoned the kerfuffle. I ended up wearing this black dress, which while not horrid or anything, and while beautifully made, was not how I wanted to look.
I've had some great success with Ebay dresses, and I refused to admit defeat with this one. So I kept it, in the hope I would eventually be able to wear it, as I was also refusing to admit that I was never going to be able to fit into it.
So I have mentally had it as a bit of a benchmark, and was emboldened to try it on.
I got the urge last Thursday night, home from the gym, showered at 10.30, I put it on, AND IT FIT!!!
(I went to show M in the lounge room, and he looked up from the computer saying "where are you going?" LOL)
Now I just need an occassion hahahaha
I've noticed actually a shift in the clothes I've worn this winter. Last winter I weighed a good 6-8kgs more than I do this year, and I realise in hindsight I was wearing a different set of clothes, lots of empire line/tummy hiding type tops, which I just haven't worn this year.
Pretty happy all round :)
I'm kind of thinking I'll lose/maintain my weight while we're in Europe as well (due to all the walking and stuff) but possibly kidding myself?
(And I'm thinking of doing the Lemon/water thing again)
(I went to show M in the lounge room, and he looked up from the computer saying "where are you going?" LOL)
Now I just need an occassion hahahaha
I've noticed actually a shift in the clothes I've worn this winter. Last winter I weighed a good 6-8kgs more than I do this year, and I realise in hindsight I was wearing a different set of clothes, lots of empire line/tummy hiding type tops, which I just haven't worn this year.
Pretty happy all round :)
I'm kind of thinking I'll lose/maintain my weight while we're in Europe as well (due to all the walking and stuff) but possibly kidding myself?
(And I'm thinking of doing the Lemon/water thing again)
8 kindred spirits ~ This bugs them too!:
Well I think you looked smashing at that wedding darling.
Totally fab and not a ham in sight!
Although I wont deny that losing those few kgs must be awesome... off to the soup I go!
I do so wish I had lost 8 kilos too. Well done you! POst a pic of you in the dress?
@ Reanan
Thanks for saying so dear, but I do remember feeling good, but looking "squishy"
@ K
Hahahaha, we're not QUITE up to that. I should point out also that I think the girl in the posed pic is wearing a size 8. I am NOT a size 8. Ever. In any parallel universe. Actually maybe in a parallel universe. Certainly not THIS universe.
Hey, good for you! My aunty went to Europe for about 2 months, she walked everywhere (as you do) and she came back a different woman! seriously, she dropped about 20 kilograms, just from walking and climbing so many stairs.
Good luck!!
Hey! You're not fat at all! Total hottie. Honest.
But, ham? Hmm, bacon.... Bacon makes it better!
@ Sparsely Kate
Hey thats fantastic, thanks, I wasn't sure if I was over estimating the walking and climbing, and underestimating the cake and pastry LOL
Network Geek
Hahaha thanks, mmm bacon.
{btw it was me that added Britney Spears to your poll ;) }
what's thre lemon water thingy?
Hi Anon,
The Lemon water thing (link on those words in the post) I found a while ago, its a principle that if you drink a glass of water with freshly squeezed lemon juice in it, supposedly it increases your metabolism and helps you lose weight. I figured it can't hurt right? And there's worse things to eat/drink than lemony water first thing in the morning...
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