Shoes? $9.95.
I'm a mad shopper, but the only way I can afford to, is to buy the absolute cheapest things I can find, so I don't feel horribly guilty.
This does establish a trap of sorts however, as it becomes a case of "but its ONLY $2!" How can I NOT own that for a measly $2?! Look at the value!!!
My sister has been a bargain hunter from way back. I remember when stores like SES and Valleygirl were beginning to pop up, you know the type, import a million of the same thing in different colours from Asia and sell at ridiculously low prices. They're quite common now but they were only hitting their stride not 5 years ago, and my sister was forever buying things, coming home and saying "this was only $10!" when the same jumper at another store was going for $30.
At the time, I was single, living at home, carefree to the point of careless with my money.
I would think absolutely nothing of going to work wearing say a singlet top, and buying a button down shirt when I got to work simply because I was "sick" of everything I already owned OR because I hadn't bothered to iron anything.
I had many a night out wearing a top I'd bought just that day, for the sake of wearing something new.
I actually recall when I first started dating M, I made sure he didn't see me in the same outfit (or single item of clothing) for months! I still do that to a degree with some people I meet.
Now they're saying its such a problem with young women and girls, that they're only wearing things once or twice before sending them to landfill. Apparently I buy 129 items of clothing a year. Holy cow....
4 kindred spirits ~ This bugs them too!:
I don't remember what I wear to each event so it's likely that I'd wear the same items every time I saw someone!
Bt even so - I do buy a fiar amount of clothes. My reasoning is (aside from getting fatter and nothing fitting) is that I too buy cheap clothes and they simply don't last. And therefore need replacing on a more regular basis.
Holy shit that's a FRIGHTENING number... is that NOW? Even when you own a house.OH MY GOD.
I don't want to think about my number.
@ K
~Perhaps this is a weirdness I have then.
Aha! I also had the fatter and fatter problem until I refused to buy more jeans when I had five pairs that SHOULD fit.
And Yay! Now they do :)
@ Reanan
~NO silly, thats the average stat (YOU perhaps though....).
I'm sure I'd be shocked to find how many I HAVE bought, but I'm certain its nowhere near 100. Although it IS only July....
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