Did anyone see what that girl Reigan was wearing on Australian Idol last night? Aarrgggh!!!

You can also see it in all it's full length Fug Glory in this group shot, she's on the far right.

It's some sort of bizarre Hippy/Native American/weirdness outift. AND, she sang that song that Nova has totally been overplaying "Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair....in '77 and '69 revolution was in the air...." Kill me. I also might add I though she did a terrible rendition of it and was disappointed as she's sung other thigns wonderfully. And Mark said he was surprised she didn't do something by Celine Dion, I personally would have preferred it. In other things, what is the girl two over from Reigan wearing? She did a fairly ordinary version of My Immortal by Evanesence. Now in my opinion, Amy Lee has (a boring name for such an alternative band, she should change it to something like AnQue) an amazing voice,

But back to the Fug, this girl had such potential, she was really cute at other times, as evidenced here. She looks normal, cute, young. None of that tree huggin hippy crap.
Amazingly, Kyle really liked it. And he and Marcia both said they loved what she was wearing. I guess there's no accounting for taste in some people....
1 kindred spirits ~ This bugs them too!:
Hahahahaha GOLD> Pocahontas
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