on your browser’s address bar.
For example, http://007google.com/Dataceptionist.aspx would yield a Google page that looks like:

On another note, I was reading something that says if you add this bit to the Google site address it will come up with "Your name" written like the Google Logo. hehehe. Searching now, when I find again, I'll let you know how to do it : )
I've decided my favorite ones are the Google Searches. They're funny!
And I get a lot of hits with "Anorexic" searches. Hmmm.....
"oh, the wretched. the worst thing about this whole debacle, as my husband later informed me, is that i TOLD Violet to "go play with the peanut butter." she liked to roll the jar around in the kitchen. unfortunately, big sister figured out how to open the jar and pile the entire contents onto the little one’s head. it was very hard to convince them that they should never do this again when i was laughing and crying and taking a million pictures."
Ummm simply can't figure out what to say
Bored blog, sick of the same old stats, seeks discreet encounters with random readers. Please no fly by night commenters--looking for long-term commitment leading to RSS feed subscription. Be willing to try exotic, unusual sentence formulations. Open to anything but flame wars are a hard limit.
About me: Four years old but feel only a few months at heart. Friends tell me my graphics are cute. I take up more bandwidth than I’d like but I’m working on slimming down. Party days are long behind me but still enjoy occasional linking and group blogrolling. I do have Google ads but otherwise financially self sufficient.
Bonus points if you have a fetish for black text on white background.Your pic gets my screenshot.
More fug gold - At the Cavalcade of Bad Brides
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