Makeup, originally uploaded by dataceptionist.
I'm lucky enough, in my home, to have a whole second bathroom to myself for my makeup. Ok, we don't call it MY bathroom, or my Makeup bathroom or anything, but its the "guest" bathroom essentially, so gradually I've moved all my makeup in there.
Initially I had just spare hair stuff, and all my spare toiletries and supplies in the cupboards. Then when I did my cousins makeup last year I had to pack up all my makeup to take with me, and it just somehow seemed easier when I got around to unpacking it all, to unpack it in the spare bathroom.
The result, an awesome space for all my stuff to be spread out, without worrying there isn't enough room for M's shaving cream, or whatever.
(Ok, confession, M only really has one small shelf in our main bathroom for his few things also, I've got my everyday stuff taking up loads of space in there too.)
So this is my space. If you click on the photo above, you can find little notes on things in the photo, like the toothbrush cup, full of makeup brushes.
I use this space as my "getting ready" space in general. I suppose if I was a lady from eras gone by, I might have a boudoir for this sort of thing, with a dressing table and tasseled perfume spritzer. I do feel spoiled. It's my mother's fault though, when she redid the bathroom at home, she organised the cabinets so that there was a power outlet inside the cupboard so the hairdryer would always be plugged in (like the "appliance" cupboards in kitchens now with the toaster and kettle). She also had discreet lighting installed above the mirror expressly for makeup application. So, with lessons like these, whats a girl to do?
What would your ultimate makeup space be do you think?
7 kindred spirits ~ This bugs them too!:
I like the thought of an old fashion boudoir dressing room.
Opulent red velvet studded chair pushed up to a vast oak dressing table, scalloped mirror with light flooding into the room.
Big pouffy power puffs and tassled perfume atomiser and roses in vases.
Plush carpets leading to my wardrobe of shoes, clothes and handbags...
Oh and a GHD and someone like Joh Bailey on staff.
Me too Reanan. And Data - I want your mum's bathroom.
Mine is ok - I don't wear much everyday makeup so I don't need a space for that, and when I do dolly up - its rare enough that its not too much of a pain to get everything out.
My bigger problem is going to expired makeup hell (shh - don't tell anyone).
We can call it "your bathroom", it will go well with "your wardrobe" and "your wardrobe in the spare room".
I don't really have an issue with your takeover of the gust bathoom, just so long as there is enough room for the guests to "wash up" (which is questionable at best). And of course "your bathroom" means you have to keep it clean... (HA!)
And i'm still not so sure about leaving the electrical appliances plugged in, (and turned on!) at the powerpoint...
I like the sounds of your room Re, but I would swap the velvet for satin (I hate velvet) and I would make it all black with Hot pink accents. Coolest ever!
I don't wear makeup everyday either K, but I own enough that its a pain to store.
Expired makeup! eeek! Throw your Mascara out RIGHT NOW!
It breeds bacteria.
Shush M! And the picture clearly shows power outlets in the off position!!
The mascara's ok. The foundation probably isn't.
The powders (eyeshadow etc) definately not.
Meh powder is fine in my book. As long as it isn't liquid/cream based, it should be fine.
Ew. foundation.
HAHAHA M... hilarious.
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