We watch CSI normally on Sunday night, cutting directly in the middle of the finale. We decided to tape the last hour of Dance, and watch it after CSI. All going to plan until CSI finishes and we go to flip over to Dance.....and discover that we haven't been taping after all.....
I tried to be nonchalant, I tried not to let it bother me. What's done is done.
I was spectacularly unsuccessful and have been pouting ever since.
Missed the Leona Lewis song, which I heard people raving about on the radio the next day. Felt like the DJ's knew I'd missed it and were rubbing it in my face.
Rove, after the announcement, raved about the dancing before the announcement.
Missed the "eviction" of one of the girls I wanted to win.
Shit all round really.
I was devastated that Jack won. SO BORING!
The last two American series have been won by carbon copies of Jack, and its always two boys in the last two. Stupid tweeny girls voting. Bah

And did anyone see what the fug Natalie Bassingthwaite was wearing at the after event when she performed on Rove? After considerable effort to bring you this photo in case you missed it-I was devastated that Jack won. SO BORING!
The last two American series have been won by carbon copies of Jack, and its always two boys in the last two. Stupid tweeny girls voting. Bah

So, like I said, I just couldn't let this slide.
1 kindred spirits ~ This bugs them too!:
It should have been Rhys.
Natalie Bassingtwit had so many feral outfits and hairstyles during the show - and only about 3 nice ones.
Most of the dancing in the finale show was repeats of dances we'd already seen. I was disappointed.
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