Well I have an update on Peg. She's since married, they're in wedded bliss supposedly.
The weirdness is that Peg has a dog, we'll call him Chick-pea, and Chick-pea has been with the family for a lot of years now. Enough years to remember the first fiancee, and Peg has decided that Chick-pea hates the husband (we'll call him Joe). The reason she gave? "Joe treats Chick-pea like a Dog". Ummm, Chick-pea is a dog. The problem is that Joe doesn't mother Chick-pea and treat him like a little person, which is how the rest of the family treat him.
The ranking in the family? Peg is Mum. Peg's mum is nanna, the ex-fiancee is Dad, and Joe? Joe is just Joe. No ranking. Peg and Joe were fighting the other night-Chick-pea got upset. Peg refused to speak to Joe until Joe apologised to Chick-pea for yelling!
If I was Joe I'd run a mile if a dog ranked higher than me.
I told Peg she needed to have kids so she could differentiate between dogs and people.
3 kindred spirits ~ This bugs them too!:
Check this out!!! Its like the reason they now have that little authentication thingy when you comment! Its like 10 pages of crap in the comments section.
And FYI I think Courtney actually comes out on top in this battle. Anyhoo, sorry for the lack of relevance to the dog post. Just wanted to get it out there!
holy cow! I got so bored and gave up!!!
And thank you for acknowledging a lack of relevance. hehehe
aaah... great to see the insanity continuing.
What is the matter with these two? This is a real, good quality relationship according to who? Tell me, i want names and phone numbers!
Hi from Malaysia!
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