Sleep! Who needs sleep!
Posted in Coles-Supermarkets, Wedding, Weird~Dreams on 12:00 PM byI realised I was awake at one stage, awake and sort of tossing around, and my brain was absolutely racing with wedding crap, none of which I remember at all this morning, so I hope I didn't think I was solving the problems of the world at the time. It was like 3.30 or something and I do remember thinking, great, I was trying to get good sleep before the wedding so I don't look like some sort of hung over sleep deprived mess, and I'm lying awake. Bah.
The other dream I had was this bizarre psuedo world and I somehow was in this Coles-type store, except I was just standing there, a customer I think, and this guy asked me to get behind the counter and serve and I was pulling out this weird cigarette type clear drawers, and selling cigarettes and Nurtimetics makeup brushes. And the sky was some sort of weird lilac colour or something. It was all very strange.
Money money a rich man's world
Posted in funny, Money, Work on 4:50 PM by
T-5 and counting
Posted in wedding on 10:27 AM byIkea oddities-now I've calmed down
Posted in HomeLife on 10:11 AM by
Ikea oddities
I lost my post.
And it was cool and funny and about funny swedish products.
well the eye's have it
Posted in Food=Fat=Treadmill, good-for-you-ness, weird on 5:14 PM by
Radio Fug
Posted in fug on 9:43 AM by

The dog, or the man?
Posted in Marriage, Pets, ranting, weird on 12:37 PM by
Well I have an update on Peg. She's since married, they're in wedded bliss supposedly.
The weirdness is that Peg has a dog, we'll call him Chick-pea, and Chick-pea has been with the family for a lot of years now. Enough years to remember the first fiancee, and Peg has decided that Chick-pea hates the husband (we'll call him Joe). The reason she gave? "Joe treats Chick-pea like a Dog". Ummm, Chick-pea is a dog. The problem is that Joe doesn't mother Chick-pea and treat him like a little person, which is how the rest of the family treat him.
Climate change in Australia
Posted in ranting, WORLDliness on 10:31 AM by
---At this stage I wish to point out this aided in the duping of me in the near infamous story about the Plant Room now.---
It was with interest then that I read an article in the SMH this morning Finally, the penny drops about the Government's shift of attitude, finally, on the issue. To Summarise, Alexander Downer appeared at an event in Adelaide, an outdoor event;
"It was a bloody hot day, 33 degrees and a north wind - often the Port Elliott show is cold and rainy," recalls Downer.................."It's time,".........
With all this in mind then, cast your thoughts back to last Saturday's 34 Degree day in which (I at least) sweated in my short short skirt and could not get cool enough! And that my friends, was the 14th of October. This week has been peppered with very hot days, and it's not even technically Summer, in fact we're only half way through Spring.
What does this mean that our extreme summer days will hold for us? Blistering 45 degree days? If this is the case then our school children will be rejoicing and their parents tearing their hair out. The incidence of skin cancers will rise, Coke will make a motza, even though it refuses to hydrate us, and women will wear even less than they currently do (is that possible?).
I do think Climate change is something that is vitally important to our country for consideration, the hole is above us people! Australia is copping it, through drought and the hardships it causes. I don't know anyone on land or anything, I can't imagine how hard it must be for those people.
It really made me think hard about how in Sydney we should be utilising grey water.
Kill me
Posted in ranting, Work on 4:02 PM bySeriously! We've got this stupid Barbecque for stupid use by stupid departments and no one can fucking take care of it properly!! I've taken to saying to anyone who wants to use it that we don't provide anything to faciliate BBQ's except the actual BBQ and the gas. We had utensils and stuff, bgut it's like bloody pulling teeth to get the things returned! I had particular trouble a few months ago with a dept who promised they would return them clean by COB the same day. I chased them for a few weeks before I got them back. So when they asked to borrow them again, I was all like "well only if you promise to return them" and that issue got completely missed, he brought the Social Club into it and said they were the Social Club's things to begin with. So in the end the social club have claimed back all their stupid utensils and he can be their problem.
the trees, the trees, the trees are on fire
Posted in Misc on 11:42 AM byThought for the day
Posted in funny, Misc on 11:08 AM byCmabrigde sudty-Cna yuo raed tihs?
Posted in funny, Misc on 5:20 PM by
Olny 55 plepoe tuo fo 100 anc. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
If you can raed tihs tlel ohetrs to cmoe hree too!
normal weddings
Posted in wedding on 12:42 PM byThat said, now that she's worried, hehehee, I had a very interesting moment last night with billylou, who is also my MOH and housemate. I was reading through my brother's Order of Service (OOS) and drew bl's attention to a couple of passages I thought were interesting (in their difference to our own) and she made mention she'd never been to a wedding before. While not uncommon, I later clarified with her "so you've never been to a wedding" and she said, "no not a proper one.....I mean my Aunt got married but it was in the mountains and it wasn't proper" (or words to that effect, the intention was not that her aunt had some sort of quasi/commitment ceremony-marriage at all-but that it wasn't in "common" format). But what was taken from it, was that since she didn't get married in a church it wasn't a "proper wedding". And again I will preface this in saying that I mean Proper as in "the norm" not Proper as in "regal and well mannered"
At this point I want to say that billylou is quite welcome to clarify her point, I am simply using this brief interlude as a platform for further discussion.

And my discussion is this-if billylou truly thinks that a "proper wedding" is one involving a church or one involving simply Pomp and Ceremony, then I think that's really interesting! As many girls choose the Garden Ceremony road, or similar, and church weddings are only 60% of weddings or something now. I'm not sure of the specific stats, but they're on the decline now. And (not to say she {the aunt in question} would) but some more sensitive brides would probably be quite offended for someone to think they hadn't had a proper wedding. I mean getting hitched is getting hitched right? And just as much thought and work goes into planning a garden wedding as a church wedding, if not more! Being that you have to consider seating and draping and arches and possibly a carpet aisle and a pretty venue and weather and where the guests will stand etc etc. Me-I've got pew bows and flowers. The rest is pretty much sorted. Not to mention at least with a church wedding I didn't have to think up an interesting arrangement for my ceremony order and think up cool meaningful vows and stuff. {I'm really just lazy actually} But if I had done all those things, they would be just as real as a church wedding. But this is a mindset that is possibly permeating our societal thinking. I'm interested to hear your views on this!
And AGAIN, I reiterate, I am NOT having a go at billylou and all mistakes in tone are my own.
Hen's hilarity
Posted in wedding on 12:29 PM byThe theme-Pink and Black.
What are we doing? I have no idea. But I'm excited.
I hope it involves copious amounts of drinking, debauchery, and is it wrong to say scantily clad men (and women)? Hehehe. I think so yes actually.
But seriously. I am excited, at least I'm trying to be.
I'm having difficulty getting past all the other "stuff" going on.
Wedding stuff, and domestic stuff.
House stuff, and relationship stuff.
Not neccessarliy with Mark, but with every other person in my life.
Bridezilla anyone? I'm trying really hard not to be.
I may be failing though.
So I hope I wake tomorrow rested, washing done and raring to go.
Only in America...again
Posted in wedding on 1:58 PM byA would-be bride who earned instant fame when she ran away from her fiance just before their wedding is suing him for half a million dollars for her share of the rights to their story.
Jennifer Wilbanks vanished from her home in Duluth, a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia, days before she was to marry John Mason in April, 2005, sparking a police hunt that only ended when she turned up in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
She said she had been abducted while jogging and sexually assaulted but later changed her story, telling police she ran away because she got cold feet about the wedding.
Wilbanks pleaded no contest to a felony charge of making a false statement to the police but the case earned the "couple" instant tabloid celebrity and they sold their story.
Now she is arguing that Mason failed to turn over her share of the payment, according to a filing on Sept. 13 before the superior court of Gwinnett, Georgia.
"In or about July 2005 Regan Media agreed to pay $500,000 to Mason and Wilbanks to purchase the rights to the story of plaintiff's disappearance ... and subsequent events involved in the 'Runaway Bride' incident," said the complaint.
The filing says Mason was "willful and malicious" and demands $250,000 as her share of the money and the same amount in punitive damages as compensation for his "bad faith." It also describes him as "stubbornly litigious."
Supre fug
Posted in fug, Kids these days, ranting on 11:13 AM by

I am flabbergasted! A breast enhancer!?! Leggings!? Boob Tubes! What kind of work is Supre equipping their customers for? Need I even use the H word? I just cannot believe it, seriously. I may as well go out and become a prostitute, which they bloody well are already-right commuters? *wink*.
The rest of their website is standard Supre fare, but I'll include a few for fun.

The first I don't think I need to say anything do I?
The second-I would have though Supre could afford to hire a model to make their clothes look good. Now no one's looking at her cherries are they? NO. They're looking at the godawful tan line from her Halter Swimsuit! Get a different model! There are girls a dime a dozen who would die to be a Supre Model I bet, and have their friends green with envy looking at them in a catalogue or whatever. It would be the next young twit's break.
I love this
Posted in funny, Work on 10:40 AM byBlackmail.
A letter to my employer:Dear Employer!
I want to thank you for recently replacing my cell phone with a Blackberry. I know you did this to increase my efficiency and productivity, ensuring that I’m “plugged in” at all times and can respond to emails with lightning speed. And so I can! I know that this additional efficiency is important to you, so I want to assure you that what happened today will never happen again. It’s just that I was kind of bored in that application demo meeting today. You remember the one, right? There must have been fifteen people in the room! But I didn’t have much to do so I started playing with my Blackberry, which I don’t really know how to use. And I opened up the web browser and went to and lo and behold! They had an interview with Daniel Handler about the final Lemony Snicket book coming out this Friday.So I read it! And it was funny! And I looked up and nothing was going on in the meeting, so I looked back at my screen and saw a link that said “Handler Responds to Rumors about a New Movie.” And then I clicked it. And it took a long time to load, but I figured whatever, it’s a Blackberry, right? But I didn’t realize that 1) it was a
sound file and 2) a Blackberry can actually play a sound file. So imagine my surprise when my Blackberry suddenly screamed “SO WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF A NEW MOVIE, MR. HANDLER?!” into the middle of the meeting room.Anyway, after everything settled down, I knew that I had learned my lesson! And you can rely on me for efficiency and productivity from now on! Because now I know that it’s very, very bad to surf the web during meetings. Because that’s not what a Blackberry is for.
So instead I spent the rest of the meeting playing “Brickbreaker.”
Imagine that happening! Hahahaha
Little Barbie girls
Posted in Getting_Older, Kids these days, Misc, ranting on 5:10 PM byI read a very accurate article today about the over sexualising of little girls in today's society. It's an issue I have actually thought a lot about in recent years as little girls went from wearing appropriate clothes to looking like little hookers. If I had a dollar for every time I had a conversation with someone my age when we mourned the death of Supre as a wonderful source of clothing for kids.

Laws of Human Communication
Posted in Misc on 4:49 PM byFirst Law
It's not what our message does to the listener, but what the listener does with the message, that determines our success as communicators.
Second Law
Listeners generally interpret messages in ways which make them feel comfortable and secure.
Third Law
When peoples attitudes are attacked head-on, they are likely to defend those attitudes and, in the process, to reinforce them.
Fourth Law
People pay most attention to messages which are relevant to their own circumstances and point of view.
Fifth Law
People who feel insecure in a relationship are unlikely to be good listeners.
Sixth Law
People are more likely to listen to us if we listen to them.
Seventh Law
People are more likely to change in reponse to a combination of new experiences and communication than in response to communication alone.
Eighth Law
People are more likely to support a change which affects them if they are consulted before the change is made.
Ninth Law
The message and what is said will be interpreted in the light of 'how', 'when', 'where', and 'by whom' it is said.
Tenth Law
Lack of self knowledge and an unwillingness to resolve our own internal conflicts make it harder for us to communicate to other people.
Our House-is a very very very fine...Unit actually.
Posted in HomeLife, Wedding on 3:34 PM byDisaster stikes.
Posted in ranting, wedding on 3:18 PM by
And before you jump in and say that I should stop worrying about it, and why the hell am I even looking at the 28 day forecast, the answer is this> I'M A LUNATIC. It's not a pretty answer, but it's all I have and I'm clinging to it. I WISH I wasn't being so crazy, but a girl asked where she could find a good weather site so I directed her to the Weather Channel as I'd been there to check out the weather for Bathurst for the weekend and found it easy to use. So after I'd recommended it I jumped on to check I hadn't led her astray, never expecting THIS to be what greeted me. So now I'm going to worry about it and think about it and stress unneccessarily about somehitng I cannot control.................
On the subject of Blogging...
Posted in funny, NETness on 1:35 PM byOf which on that topic, I heard that there were Pink Tim Tams available at supermarkets for BC and that they were Strawberry flavoured and I am happy to confirm that this is true! Whee! They are quite yummy and I bought an extra packet so that when Eca gets home (34.5 Hours-Actually she might be on the plane now!) she can try them!!!
But moving on, one blog I stumbled upon appeared to be some sort of real or imagined dialogue with an ex or current girlfriend of a guy in Singapore. I thought I'd drop him a line to let him know that just anyone could actually read his private feelings and rants, which may be his intention, but I caught something about this girl being the only one who knew what was written on the blog or something. Of which, would also be risky, as a blog address can so easily be forwarded (case in point Billylou- that weirdo-blog/teenybopper-worship page that Shaneo was writing. weirdo! *Ahem*cough* what was I saying....
Actually in this strange saga, I has discovered that the female part of this relationship also has a blog, which I may or may not click on.......damn, I clicked and there was no blog. I feel drawn into these peoples turmoil. I think I'll move on....
I also found a blog written by a Texas Priest who had lots to say about how Sin is denigrating our society. He waxed on a bit about how he can't be holy enough and how Sin affects those around us. It was interesting, but I don't think I could read a whole blog on it. It does show however how advanced our age is that our religious figures face difficulty and struggle with their lives and feel the need to blog and share it with others. I don't know who his intended audience is, certainly not little ole me in Sydney. But it's food for thought. There's actually a startling amount of religious blogs out there.
Heheheh and Billylou might be amused to hear I found a whole blog about NeoPets!
And lastly, I found a really interesting blog written by an Indian American guy by the looks of it, all political and thought provoking. I really should pay more attention to the greater world.